En forme de cœur et au cœur des Balkans, la Bosnie-Herzégovine est un joyau pour les passionnés d'histoire et les amoureux de la nature désireux de découvrir l'une des rares destinations européennes encore méconnues.
KM - Convertible Mark (1KM≃ 0,5€ ≃ 0,55$ ≃0,45£)
3,5 millions
Bosniaque, Croate, Serbe
51,129 km²
UTC+1 / UTC+2

Choisissez une destination bosniaque

Capitale de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, avec une atmosphère d'Occident qui rencontre l'Orient.

Célèbre pour son pont emblématique Stari Most et une excellente base pour des excursions d'une journée.
Prepare your trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina
💡 Why visit Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Bosnia and Herzegovina boasts a rich tapestry of history and culture. From the medieval villages et une Ottoman architecture to Austro-Hungarian influences, the country tells a fascinating story. Despite its challenging history, it offers unique charm and excellent value for travelers. Must-see highlights include the iconic Stari Most in Mostar, the breathtaking Kravice waterfalls, and the captivating capital city, Sarajevo, perfect for a memorable weekend getaway.
🪪 Do I need a visa to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Citizens of the EU, USA, Canada, Australia, and many other countries can enter visa-free for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. However, some nationalities do require a visa. It’s best to check with the nearest Bosnian embassy or consulate for the most up-to-date information specific to your situation.
INFORMATION IMPORTANTE: Les informations ci-dessous sont fournies à titre indicatif et s'appliquent uniquement aux visas de tourisme de courte durée. Avant votre voyage en France, ou si vous envisagez de venir en France dans un autre but (work, studies, …), check the official information on the Bosnian government website:
⏳ Visa-free but limited to maximum 90 days for a period of 180 days if you are a citizen of one of the following countries: Albanie; Andorre; Antigua-et-Barbuda; Argentine; Australie; Autriche; Bahamas ; Bahreïn ; Barbade ; Belgique; Bosnie Herzégovine; Brésil; Brunéi ; Bulgarie; Canada; Chili; Chine; Colombie; Costa Rica; Croatie; Chypre; Tchéquie ; Danemark; Dominique ; Le Salvador; Estonie; Finlande; France; Géorgie; Allemagne; Grèce; Grenade ; Guatemala; Honduras; Hong Kong; Hongrie; Islande; Irlande; Israël; Italie; Japon; Kiribati ; Koweit; Lettonie; Liechtenstein ; Lituanie; Luxembourg, Macao ; Malaisie; Malte; Iles Marshall; Maurice ; Mexique; Micronésie; Moldavie; Monaco; Monténégro; Pays-Bas; Nouvelle-Zélande; Nicaragua; Macédoine du Nord; Norvège; Oman; Palaos ; Panama; Paraguay ; Pérou; Pologne; Le Portugal; Qatar; Roumanie; Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès; Sainte-Lucie; Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines; Samoa ; Saint Marin; Serbie; Les Seychelles; Singapour; Slovaquie; Slovénie; Iles Salomon; Corée du Sud; Espagne; Suède; Suisse; Taïwan; Timor oriental ; Tonga ; Trinité-et-Tobago; Turquie; Tuvalu; Emirats Arabes Unis; Royaume-Uni; États-Unis d'Amérique; Uruguay; Vanuatu; Vatican; Venezuela
⏳ Visa-free but limited to a maximum of 30 days if you are a citizen of one of the following countries: Russie; Ukraine
🛂 Visa required if you are a citizen of one of the following countries: Afghanistan ; Algérie; Angola; Arménie; Azerbaïdjan; Bahreïn ; Bengladesh ; Biélorussie ; Bélize ; Bénin ; Bhoutan; Bolivie; Bostwana ; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cambodge; Cameroun; Cap-Vert; République centrafricaine; Tchad; Chine; Comores ; Congo; Congo (Rép. Dém.); Côte d'Ivoire (Côte d'Ivoire); Cuba; Djibouti; République dominicaine; Équateur; Egypte; Guinée Équatoriale; Érythrée ; Eswatini ; Ethiopie; Fidji ; Gabon; Gambie; Ghana; Guinée; Guinée-Bissau ; Guyane; Haïti; Inde; Indonésie; Iran; Irak; Jamaïque; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kosovo; Koweit; Kirghizistan ; Laos; Liban; Lesotho; Libéria; Libye; Madagascar; Malawi; Maldives; Mali; Mauritanie ; Mongolie; Maroc; mozambicain ; Birmanie ; Namibie ; Nauru ; Népal; Niger; Nigeria; Corée du Nord; Oman; Pakistan; Palestine; Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée; Philippines ; Qatar; Russie; Rwanda; Sao Tomé et Principe ; Arabie Saoudite; Sénégal; Sierra Leone; Somalie; Afrique du Sud; Soudan du sud; Sri Lanka; Soudan; Surinam ; Syrie; Tadjikistan ; Tanzanie; Thaïlande; Togo; Tunisie; Turquie; Turkménistan; Ouganda; Ouzbékistan; Vanuatu; Vietnam ; Yémen; Zambie; Zimbabwe
⛅ When is the best time to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina?
❄️ December – February: Winter is perfect for snow enthusiasts, with popular ski resorts like Bjelašnica and Igman mountains, former venues of the 1984 Winter Games. In Sarajevo, temperatures typically range from -4°C (25°F) to 6°C (43°F), while Mostar experiences milder winters with temperatures rarely dipping below zero.
🌱 March – May: Spring brings pleasant temperatures, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and rafting. The weather is perfect for exploring the country’s natural beauty.
☀️ June – August: Summer is hot and dry, with Sarajevo experiencing temperatures from 11°C (52°F) to 26°C (79°F) and Mostar being even warmer by about 5°C (9°F). It’s the busiest tourist season, so popular destinations like Mostar can get crowded. Booking accommodations in advance is recommended.
🍂 September – November: Autumn offers cooler but still warm temperatures, and the summer crowds have diminished. The country’s forests and mountainous areas come alive with vibrant fall colors, making it a beautiful time to visit.
🚉 How to Get Around Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Getting around Bosnia and Herzegovina is quite manageable, and you have several options:
🚌 Buses: The bus network is extensive and connects most towns and cities. Buses are relatively affordable and reliable, with frequent services between major destinations like Sarajevo, Mostar, and Banja Luka. However, schedules can sometimes be less frequent in remote areas.
🚂 Trains: Train travel in Bosnia and Herzegovina is limited but scenic, particularly on the route between Sarajevo and Mostar. While slower and less frequent than buses, the trains offer a comfortable and picturesque journey through the countryside. The operational railway lines include:
- Sarajevo – Mostar: 2 hours (ZFBH)
- Sarajevo – Maglaj: 2.5 hours (ZFBH)
- Doboj – Banja Luka: 2 hours (ZRS)
- Banja Luka – Novi Grad: 2 hours (ZRS)
- Doboj – Petrovo Novo: 45 minutes (ZRS)
🚗 Car Rental: Renting a car is one of the most convenient ways to explore the country, especially if you want to visit less accessible places. The road network is generally good, though some mountain roads can be challenging. Remember to have an International Driving Permit (IDP) if your license is not in Latin script.
💳 Can I use bank cards or cash for payments in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Most transactions in Bosnia and Herzegovina are done in cash. However, bank cards —both debit and credit— are widely accepted in supermarkets, shops, and restaurants, especially in Sarajevo. Visa and Mastercard are the most commonly accepted cards, while American Express may be accepted in fewer places.
🔌 What type of plugs and voltage does Bosnia and Herzegovina use?
Bosnia and Herzegovina uses two plug types: C and F. They both have two grounding holes. Bosnia and Herzegovina operates on a tension d'alimentation de 230V et une fréquence de 50Hz.
If needed, you can order an universal travel plug adapter here.
🪙 Is tipping customary in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
As a general rule – although not mandatory – a tip of around 10% is expected in restaurants and cafés in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
🥛 Is it safe to drink tap water in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Tap water is considered safe to drink in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
📅 When are public holidays and store closing days in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Jours fériés et jours de fermeture: Dimanche est un jour de fermeture pour la plupart des magasins. Il y a 2 jours fériés nationaux in Bosnia and Herzegovina: New Year’s Day (du 1er au 3 janvier) and Labour Day (du 1er au 2 mai).
Some public holidays are held partially throughout the country:
- Independence Day (March 01), et une Statehood Day (November 25) are only celebrated in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the two entities within the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the other being Republic of Srpska).
- The public holidays specific to the Republic of Srpska are Victory Day (May 09) et une Dayton Agreement Day (November 21) are
Ces jours-là, la plupart des entreprises et des bureaux seront fermés, et de nombreuses attractions peuvent être fermées ou avoir des heures d'ouverture limitées.
🚦 What are the speed limits in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, traffic drives on the right-hand side of the road. The main speed limits are as follows:
- 50 kph / 30 mph on main roads within built-up areas
- 80 kph / 50 mph on main roads outside built-up areas
- 100 kph / 62 mph on dual carriageways
- 130 kph / 80 mph on motorways.
During adverse weather (rain, fog, etc.), the speed limits are lowered.
💬 What are some basic Bosnian words I should know?
- Hello (informal) = Zdravo
- Hello/Good day = Dobar dan
- Goodbye = Doviđenja
- Yes = Da
- No = Ne
- Thank you = Hvala
- Please = Molim
- You’re welcome = Nema na čemu
- Excuse me = Oprostite
- Day = Dan
- Night = Noć
- Good evening = Dobro veče
- Goodnight = Laku noć
- Mister = Gospodin
- Ma’am = Gđa
- Street = Ulica
- Road = Cesta
💡 Tip: With the GoogleTranslate app, you can download the Bosnian language to use it even offline!
🛡️ Is it safe to travel in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Traveling in Bosnia and Herzegovina is generally considered safe. The country is popular with tourists for its natural beauty, historical sites, and cultural experiences. However, it’s always wise to take standard safety precautions:
- Secure Your Belongings: Keep an eye on your personal items and avoid displaying valuable possessions.
- Emergency Numbers: If you’re traveling with a mobile phone, you can dial the European emergency number, 112, which will connect you to the local emergency services.